
Comments (29)

What do you think?

hi there kingpikachu, i found this nasty bug in the latest version of the game - it appears right after you start it( it's pretty common with RPG Maker MV/MZ games so i'm sure there's a solution for it somewhere out in the net!

pretty cool for a first RPG!) Ashmon is one tough boss - he's fun to fight and the map where you get to fight him is pretty good, too!) can't wait to see what other things await after him and i wonder if we get to meet Kingpikachu himself in the game... oh well, only time will tell!)

#rpg #action this is an rpg i am working on currently the first boss and few maps are done this zip is a demo up until the first boss

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

demo 2 of the mz version of the game should be up in a few mins it is all of the boses and towns i the first world map only one more to go then i can work of the final boss Kingpikachuyt

Development update

The development is going alot smoother and quicker than I thought today I added plugins which will be features like crafting

Made 3 towns shops and 2 boss fights

Gonna also release the game on

Hey guys just wanted to say when the game comes out I will be playing it over on either my YouTube or twitch so go follow them both

just posted the first demo of the improved version of the game made with rpg maker MZ instead of MV thx to my sister and friend GiantConnor for the voice line each in the first boss fight

quick sneak peak at one of the early towns

today made this map and 1 of the world maps for 1 of the Continents in the world of Zudos

another update since i'm gonna update the game from MV to MZ the new version made in MZ will have to be different than in MV since it is harder than i thought to import and get files working correctly

thx -KingPikachuyt

Hey guys quick update on the game development is going good so far but due to me doing other stuff in life it is going slower than I would like second thing I am gonna update the game engine from rpg maker MV to mz for features and performance boosts

just posted version 2 of demo which has added 3 new maps being an ocean a destroyed town and a volcano with a boss on top

i recommended that u support me on my discord (and youtube) for future updates on any of future or current projects

